Mobaxterm pro
Mobaxterm pro

mobaxterm pro

Since the site you linked already has the XML file, you could have just downloaded that file, saved it into %AppData%\Notepad++\userDefineLangs\ folder as userDefineLang_RTF.xml and restarted Notepad++, which would automatically bring in that RTF UDL into Notepad++, without all the extra copy/paste/save/import steps.īut back to your original problem: in general, if you have something with a list of keywords that will always be made a certain color, or things inside quotes want to be a “quote color”, then it’s really easy to do by defining your own User Defined Language for MobaXTerm. *: as an aside, you imported that UDL the hard way. That’s part of the philosophical difference between a Word Processor and a Text Editor.) (OTOH, if you save the RTF, and open the RTF with a word processor like the free WordPad that comes with Microsoft Windows, it will “look” more like what you saw. So to accomplish your goal, saving the RTF and editing in Notepad++ is probably not what you want. So that UDL is meant for highlighting the fancy codes in the raw RTF source code, just like the HTML parser highlights the HTML codes, or the default Markdown UDL highlights markdown codes.

mobaxterm pro

But it will not make Notepad++ turn into a Word Processor and show you the rendered RTF (which is the colored text you were hoping to see, if I’ve understood correctly). The RTF User Defined Language (UDL) that you imported (*) defines syntax highlighting for the \par and \cf0 and other such codes. (This is by design: it is a text editor, and the codes are part of the text saved in a. But when Notepad++ edits RTF (or HTML), it shows you the underlying codes, not the pretty formatted text. The \par and \cf0 and the others are way that RTF-based word-processors save their color and font information, because like HTML, RTF is a text-based format. However, I have some background/meta information that will help you better understand some things that your phrasing indicates you don’t fully understand. As Alan said, we can have a more meaningful conversation about meeting your goals once you show us a screenshot of the MobaXTerm text with its colors.

Mobaxterm pro